India from 19900000 to 20100000

Documentation on region.php: You need to include three parameters: region (which can typically take a value of a country, though some larger regions are also allowed), start_date (which is of the form YYYY0000), and end_date (which is of the form YYYY0000). Both start_date and end_date are inclusive. For instance, to get data for India from 1970 to 2010, use /region.php?region=India&start_date=19700000&end_date=20100000.


Dataset and exact metric name Average Growth (start to end, using linear fit on logarithm) 19900000 19910000 19920000 19930000 19940000 19950000 19960000 19970000 19980000 19990000 20000000 20010000 20020000 20030000 20040000 20050000 20060000 20070000 20080000 20090000 20100000
India: maddison2010:GDP (1990 international dollar) 1,941,370,796,355 210.39% 1,098,099,982,336 1,112,340,037,632 1,169,301,045,248 1,238,272,049,152 1,328,047,063,040 1,425,622,958,080 1,537,382,940,672 1,611,108,057,088 1,715,942,981,632 1,819,936,948,224 1,899,525,963,776 2,009,448,054,784 2,080,337,035,264 2,257,166,008,320 2,426,453,098,496 2,649,687,064,576 2,909,355,900,928 3,182,835,007,488 3,415,182,934,016 -- --
India: wdi201709:GDP (constant 2015 US dollar) 865,069,039,616 237.84% 465,242,718,208 470,159,556,608 495,935,553,536 519,496,335,360 554,089,185,280 596,058,636,288 641,058,209,792 667,019,968,512 708,271,210,496 770,923,167,744 800,534,298,624 839,151,779,840 871,072,923,648 939,542,577,152 1,013,981,904,896 1,094,324,060,160 1,182,534,598,656 1,273,126,453,248 1,312,423,936,000 1,415,605,256,192 1,535,897,501,696
India: wdi201709:GDP (current US dollar) 643,546,625,755 470.79% 320,979,042,304 270,105,346,048 288,208,420,864 279,296,016,384 327,275,577,344 360,281,964,544 392,897,069,056 415,867,764,736 421,351,489,536 458,820,419,584 468,394,934,272 485,441,011,712 514,937,946,112 607,699,271,680 709,148,540,928 820,381,614,080 940,259,868,672 1,216,735,477,760 1,198,895,529,984 1,341,886,562,304 1,675,615,272,960
Graph should be here

GDP per capita

Dataset and exact metric name Average Growth (start to end, using linear fit on logarithm) 19900000 19910000 19920000 19930000 19940000 19950000 19960000 19970000 19980000 19990000 20000000 20010000 20020000 20030000 20040000 20050000 20060000 20070000 20080000 20090000 20100000
India: maddison2010:GDP per capita (1990 international dollar) 1,918 126.65% 1,309 1,303 1,345 1,399 1,474 1,553 1,645 1,693 1,771 1,845 1,892 1,966 2,001 2,134 2,278 2,423 2,617 2,817 2,975 -- --
India: maddison2013:GDP per capita (1990 international dollar) 2,040 158.93% 1,309 1,305 1,350 1,401 1,464 1,543 1,635 1,675 1,755 1,835 1,882 1,957 1,997 2,130 2,273 2,424 2,612 2,810 2,952 3,154 3,372
India: pwt61:Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Chain series) (international dollar) 2,011 55.39% 1,675 1,664 1,707 1,775 1,863 1,979 2,118 2,162 2,287 2,414 2,479 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
India: pwt61:Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Laspeyres), derived from growth rates of c, g, i (international dollar) 2,012 55.40% 1,675 1,666 1,707 1,776 1,863 1,979 2,118 2,162 2,288 2,416 2,480 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
India: pwt62:Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Chain series) (international dollar) 2,305 66.07% 1,898 1,865 1,897 1,931 1,977 2,106 2,181 2,244 2,368 2,593 2,644 2,724 2,847 2,990 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
India: pwt62:Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Laspeyres), derived from growth rates of c, g, i (international dollar) 2,305 66.03% 1,897 1,867 1,897 1,933 1,976 2,104 2,181 2,244 2,368 2,593 2,644 2,724 2,847 2,990 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
India: pwt63:Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Chain series) (international dollar) 2,614 94.61% 2,002 1,965 1,996 2,018 2,071 2,205 2,277 2,328 2,430 2,665 2,687 2,762 2,827 2,903 3,146 3,365 3,579 3,826 -- -- --
India: pwt63:Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Laspeyres), derived from growth rates of c, g, i (international dollar) 2,610 95.07% 1,998 1,959 1,992 2,013 2,066 2,202 2,271 2,323 2,424 2,661 2,680 2,754 2,822 2,900 3,145 3,365 3,579 3,825 -- -- --
India: pwt63:Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Laspeyres), derived from growth rates of domestic absorption (international dollar) 2,553 101.84% 1,940 1,887 1,932 1,932 2,017 2,173 2,213 2,250 2,317 2,546 2,556 2,636 2,734 2,847 3,125 3,365 3,598 3,880 -- -- --
India: pwt63:Real Gross Domestic Product per Capita, current price (international dollar) 2,410 162.25% 1,509 1,542 1,604 1,671 1,763 1,907 1,970 2,075 2,194 2,396 2,457 2,580 2,651 2,833 3,053 3,365 3,712 4,100 -- -- --
India: pwt70:PPP Converted Domestic Absorption Per Capita, average GEKS-CPDW, at current prices (international dollar) 2,004 271.85% 1,072 1,075 1,140 1,174 1,261 1,389 1,422 1,501 1,581 1,739 1,761 1,850 1,919 2,084 2,299 2,722 3,047 3,450 3,711 3,885 --
India: pwt70:PPP Converted GDP Per Capita, G-K method, at current prices (international dollar) 1,898 254.91% 1,031 1,046 1,099 1,142 1,222 1,334 1,368 1,441 1,515 1,660 1,696 1,782 1,846 1,994 2,180 2,556 2,859 3,206 3,402 3,588 --
India: pwt71:PPP Converted Domestic Absorption Per Capita, average GEKS-CPDW, at current prices (international dollar) 2,120 301.57% 1,088 1,091 1,157 1,190 1,276 1,406 1,434 1,515 1,596 1,755 1,787 1,884 1,961 2,123 2,368 2,671 2,974 3,379 3,620 3,969 4,277
India: pwt71:PPP Converted GDP Per Capita, G-K method, at current prices (international dollar) 2,000 280.43% 1,048 1,061 1,115 1,157 1,236 1,349 1,380 1,455 1,528 1,674 1,717 1,810 1,882 2,034 2,229 2,492 2,771 3,121 3,307 3,637 3,996
India: wdi201709:GDP per capita (constant 2015 US dollar) 798 138.71% 533 528 545 560 586 618 653 666 695 743 758 781 797 845 898 954 1,015 1,076 1,093 1,162 1,244
India: wdi201709:GDP per capita (current US dollar) 582 303.31% 368 303 317 301 346 374 400 415 413 442 443 452 471 547 628 715 807 1,028 999 1,102 1,358
Graph should be here


Dataset and exact metric name Average Growth (start to end, using linear fit on logarithm) 19900000 19910000 19920000 19930000 19940000 19950000 19960000 19970000 19980000 19990000 20000000 20010000 20020000 20030000 20040000 20050000 20060000 20070000 20080000 20090000 20100000
India: maddison2010:Population (People) 996,814,106 38.88% 839,000,000 853,724,032 869,089,984 884,942,976 901,176,000 917,772,032 934,691,968 951,860,992 969,153,024 986,476,992 1,004,124,032 1,021,966,976 1,039,691,008 1,057,504,000 1,065,070,976 1,093,563,008 1,111,714,048 1,129,865,984 1,147,996,032 1,156,898,048 --
India: pwt56:Population (People) 866,671,339 4.06% 849,515,008 866,499,008 884,000,000 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
India: pwt80:Population (People) 1,051,895,320 39.96% 873,785,472 891,910,208 910,064,576 928,226,048 946,373,312 964,486,144 982,553,280 1,000,558,144 1,018,471,168 1,036,258,688 1,053,898,112 1,071,374,272 1,088,694,016 1,105,885,696 1,122,991,232 1,140,042,880 1,157,038,592 1,173,971,584 1,190,863,616 1,207,740,416 1,224,614,272
India: pwt81:Population (People) 1,051,895,320 39.96% 873,785,472 891,910,208 910,064,576 928,226,048 946,373,312 964,486,144 982,553,280 1,000,558,144 1,018,471,168 1,036,258,688 1,053,898,112 1,071,374,272 1,088,694,016 1,105,885,696 1,122,991,232 1,140,042,880 1,157,038,592 1,173,971,584 1,190,863,616 1,207,740,416 1,224,614,272
India: pwt90:Population (People) 1,052,414,452 41.58% 870,601,792 888,513,856 906,461,376 924,475,648 942,604,224 960,875,008 979,290,432 997,817,280 1,016,402,880 1,034,976,640 1,053,481,088 1,071,888,192 1,090,189,312 1,108,369,536 1,126,419,328 1,144,326,272 1,162,088,320 1,179,685,632 1,197,070,080 1,214,182,144 1,230,984,448
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