India from 19400000 to 20100000

Documentation on region.php: You need to include three parameters: region (which can typically take a value of a country, though some larger regions are also allowed), start_date (which is of the form YYYY0000), and end_date (which is of the form YYYY0000). Both start_date and end_date are inclusive. For instance, to get data for India from 1970 to 2010, use /region.php?region=India&start_date=19700000&end_date=20100000.


Dataset and exact metric name Average Growth (start to end, using linear fit on logarithm) 19400000 19410000 19420000 19430000 19440000 19450000 19460000 19470000 19480000 19490000 19500000 19510000 19520000 19530000 19540000 19550000 19560000 19570000 19580000 19590000 19600000 19610000 19620000 19630000 19640000 19650000 19660000 19670000 19680000 19690000 19700000 19710000 19720000 19730000 19740000 19750000 19760000 19770000 19780000 19790000 19800000 19810000 19820000 19830000 19840000 19850000 19860000 19870000 19880000 19890000 19900000 19910000 19920000 19930000 19940000 19950000 19960000 19970000 19980000 19990000 20000000 20010000 20020000 20030000 20040000 20050000 20060000 20070000 20080000 20090000 20100000
India: maddison2010:GDP (1990 international dollar) 859,080,927,915 1,315.84% 265,454,993,408 270,531,002,368 269,278,003,200 279,897,997,312 276,953,989,120 272,502,996,992 258,163,998,720 213,679,996,928 215,926,996,992 221,631,004,672 222,221,991,936 227,361,996,800 234,148,003,840 248,963,006,464 259,262,005,248 265,527,001,088 280,977,997,824 277,923,987,456 299,137,007,616 305,499,013,120 326,909,984,768 336,743,989,248 344,203,984,896 361,441,984,512 389,261,983,744 373,814,001,664 377,206,996,992 408,349,016,064 418,906,996,736 446,871,994,368 469,583,986,688 474,338,000,896 472,765,988,864 494,831,992,832 500,146,012,160 544,682,999,808 551,402,012,672 593,834,016,768 625,694,998,528 594,510,020,608 637,202,006,016 675,882,008,576 697,704,972,288 753,942,003,712 783,042,019,328 814,343,979,008 848,989,978,624 886,154,002,432 978,821,971,968 1,043,911,999,488 1,098,099,982,336 1,112,340,037,632 1,169,301,045,248 1,238,272,049,152 1,328,047,063,040 1,425,622,958,080 1,537,382,940,672 1,611,108,057,088 1,715,942,981,632 1,819,936,948,224 1,899,525,963,776 2,009,448,054,784 2,080,337,035,264 2,257,166,008,320 2,426,453,098,496 2,649,687,064,576 2,909,355,900,928 3,182,835,007,488 3,415,182,934,016 -- --
India: wdi201709:GDP (constant 2015 US dollar) 500,211,553,782 981.63% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 136,368,087,040 141,444,710,400 145,590,648,832 154,317,864,960 165,819,088,896 161,448,476,672 161,359,151,104 173,987,069,952 179,881,623,552 191,645,335,552 201,528,934,400 204,839,911,424 203,706,531,840 210,419,728,384 212,913,897,472 232,395,341,824 236,260,311,040 253,400,449,024 267,876,024,320 253,844,193,280 270,942,683,136 287,216,041,984 297,198,911,488 318,861,410,304 331,044,290,560 348,438,331,392 365,081,722,880 379,558,494,208 416,101,564,416 440,848,580,608 465,242,718,208 470,159,556,608 495,935,553,536 519,496,335,360 554,089,185,280 596,058,636,288 641,058,209,792 667,019,968,512 708,271,210,496 770,923,167,744 800,534,298,624 839,151,779,840 871,072,923,648 939,542,577,152 1,013,981,904,896 1,094,324,060,160 1,182,534,598,656 1,273,126,453,248 1,312,423,936,000 1,415,605,256,192 1,535,897,501,696
India: wdi201709:GDP (current US dollar) 340,554,026,526 3,131.94% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 37,029,883,904 39,232,434,176 42,161,483,776 48,421,924,864 56,480,288,768 59,554,852,864 45,865,463,808 50,134,941,696 53,085,454,336 58,447,994,880 62,422,482,944 67,350,986,752 71,463,190,528 85,515,272,192 99,525,902,336 98,472,796,160 102,717,161,472 121,487,319,040 137,300,295,680 152,991,645,696 186,325,352,448 193,490,616,320 200,715,141,120 218,262,274,048 212,158,234,624 232,511,881,216 248,985,993,216 279,033,577,472 296,589,000,704 296,042,364,928 320,979,042,304 270,105,346,048 288,208,420,864 279,296,016,384 327,275,577,344 360,281,964,544 392,897,069,056 415,867,764,736 421,351,489,536 458,820,419,584 468,394,934,272 485,441,011,712 514,937,946,112 607,699,271,680 709,148,540,928 820,381,614,080 940,259,868,672 1,216,735,477,760 1,198,895,529,984 1,341,886,562,304 1,675,615,272,960
Graph should be here

GDP per capita

Dataset and exact metric name Average Growth (start to end, using linear fit on logarithm) 19400000 19410000 19420000 19430000 19440000 19450000 19460000 19470000 19480000 19490000 19500000 19510000 19520000 19530000 19540000 19550000 19560000 19570000 19580000 19590000 19600000 19610000 19620000 19630000 19640000 19650000 19660000 19670000 19680000 19690000 19700000 19710000 19720000 19730000 19740000 19750000 19760000 19770000 19780000 19790000 19800000 19810000 19820000 19830000 19840000 19850000 19860000 19870000 19880000 19890000 19900000 19910000 19920000 19930000 19940000 19950000 19960000 19970000 19980000 19990000 20000000 20010000 20020000 20030000 20040000 20050000 20060000 20070000 20080000 20090000 20100000
India: maddison2010:GDP per capita (1990 international dollar) 1,119 298.83% 686 691 679 698 683 664 622 618 617 624 619 623 629 657 672 676 701 680 716 717 753 758 758 779 821 771 762 807 809 845 868 856 834 853 843 897 889 937 966 895 938 977 985 1,043 1,060 1,079 1,101 1,125 1,216 1,270 1,309 1,303 1,345 1,399 1,474 1,553 1,645 1,693 1,771 1,845 1,892 1,966 2,001 2,134 2,278 2,423 2,617 2,817 2,975 -- --
India: maddison2013:GDP per capita (1990 international dollar) 1,177 345.19% 686 691 679 698 683 664 622 618 617 624 619 623 629 657 672 676 701 680 716 717 753 758 758 779 821 771 762 807 809 845 868 856 834 853 843 897 889 937 966 895 938 977 985 1,043 1,060 1,079 1,101 1,125 1,216 1,270 1,309 1,305 1,350 1,401 1,464 1,543 1,635 1,675 1,755 1,835 1,882 1,957 1,997 2,130 2,273 2,424 2,612 2,810 2,952 3,154 3,372
India: pwt61:Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Chain series) (international dollar) 1,247 218.02% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 705 701 740 768 775 775 770 762 807 807 847 865 877 922 962 927 900 952 988 1,077 1,073 1,072 1,048 1,041 1,019 1,094 1,095 1,142 1,178 1,107 1,159 1,193 1,231 1,295 1,326 1,369 1,423 1,472 1,561 1,634 1,675 1,664 1,707 1,775 1,863 1,979 2,118 2,162 2,287 2,414 2,479 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
India: pwt61:Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Laspeyres), derived from growth rates of c, g, i (international dollar) 1,246 221.76% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 696 690 733 760 768 767 760 757 801 803 838 857 872 922 960 928 901 953 991 1,080 1,077 1,075 1,052 1,044 1,021 1,097 1,097 1,145 1,179 1,107 1,162 1,193 1,232 1,299 1,329 1,371 1,425 1,473 1,561 1,635 1,675 1,666 1,707 1,776 1,863 1,979 2,118 2,162 2,288 2,416 2,480 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
India: pwt62:Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Chain series) (international dollar) 1,446 269.81% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 765 752 794 821 830 828 822 819 861 865 892 913 932 990 1,032 995 968 1,022 1,063 1,155 1,155 1,186 1,157 1,163 1,127 1,179 1,205 1,252 1,318 1,286 1,348 1,394 1,427 1,455 1,516 1,580 1,631 1,699 1,784 1,840 1,898 1,865 1,897 1,931 1,977 2,106 2,181 2,244 2,368 2,593 2,644 2,724 2,847 2,990 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
India: pwt62:Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Laspeyres), derived from growth rates of c, g, i (international dollar) 1,441 280.58% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 742 726 772 799 810 808 799 802 844 849 870 894 919 984 1,023 993 966 1,018 1,061 1,152 1,154 1,187 1,159 1,163 1,126 1,179 1,204 1,252 1,316 1,285 1,350 1,392 1,427 1,456 1,519 1,581 1,633 1,702 1,785 1,841 1,897 1,867 1,897 1,933 1,976 2,104 2,181 2,244 2,368 2,593 2,644 2,724 2,847 2,990 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
India: pwt63:Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Chain series) (international dollar) 1,653 319.30% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 807 803 840 870 882 882 883 876 922 924 962 982 1,002 1,059 1,107 1,068 1,040 1,097 1,136 1,235 1,233 1,253 1,228 1,235 1,216 1,282 1,323 1,351 1,430 1,384 1,429 1,479 1,509 1,530 1,600 1,665 1,708 1,780 1,875 1,934 2,002 1,965 1,996 2,018 2,071 2,205 2,277 2,328 2,430 2,665 2,687 2,762 2,827 2,903 3,146 3,365 3,579 3,826 -- -- --
India: pwt63:Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Laspeyres), derived from growth rates of c, g, i (international dollar) 1,648 325.61% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 790 786 823 853 868 869 868 865 910 913 949 970 994 1,056 1,103 1,068 1,040 1,095 1,133 1,231 1,232 1,252 1,226 1,235 1,217 1,282 1,323 1,351 1,431 1,382 1,427 1,478 1,507 1,528 1,598 1,662 1,705 1,777 1,872 1,930 1,998 1,959 1,992 2,013 2,066 2,202 2,271 2,323 2,424 2,661 2,680 2,754 2,822 2,900 3,145 3,365 3,579 3,825 -- -- --
India: pwt63:Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Laspeyres), derived from growth rates of domestic absorption (international dollar) 1,632 292.35% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 827 828 855 889 906 909 916 899 945 944 998 1,013 1,025 1,070 1,125 1,076 1,049 1,107 1,137 1,236 1,227 1,241 1,210 1,234 1,225 1,284 1,318 1,350 1,436 1,370 1,408 1,474 1,482 1,498 1,556 1,618 1,641 1,698 1,809 1,859 1,940 1,887 1,932 1,932 2,017 2,173 2,213 2,250 2,317 2,546 2,556 2,636 2,734 2,847 3,125 3,365 3,598 3,880 -- -- --
India: pwt63:Real Gross Domestic Product per Capita, current price (international dollar) 1,069 3,834.27% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 120 133 139 145 149 150 157 160 174 177 188 195 202 214 227 223 224 245 261 296 312 334 342 361 385 441 481 531 596 622 705 804 871 930 984 1,061 1,134 1,211 1,320 1,407 1,509 1,542 1,604 1,671 1,763 1,907 1,970 2,075 2,194 2,396 2,457 2,580 2,651 2,833 3,053 3,365 3,712 4,100 -- -- --
India: pwt70:PPP Converted Domestic Absorption Per Capita, average GEKS-CPDW, at current prices (international dollar) 891 4,666.87% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 88 97 98 102 107 109 117 119 127 128 141 142 147 155 167 164 165 178 187 211 221 238 242 261 281 316 340 380 430 450 515 592 628 670 709 770 809 853 938 995 1,072 1,075 1,140 1,174 1,261 1,389 1,422 1,501 1,581 1,739 1,761 1,850 1,919 2,084 2,299 2,722 3,047 3,450 3,711 3,885 --
India: pwt70:PPP Converted GDP Per Capita, G-K method, at current prices (international dollar) 848 4,521.91% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 87 95 96 101 105 107 113 114 123 126 134 138 142 149 160 156 157 170 180 205 215 230 235 251 269 305 333 370 418 433 488 564 600 642 681 733 775 822 904 960 1,031 1,046 1,099 1,142 1,222 1,334 1,368 1,441 1,515 1,660 1,696 1,782 1,846 1,994 2,180 2,556 2,859 3,206 3,402 3,588 --
India: pwt71:PPP Converted Domestic Absorption Per Capita, average GEKS-CPDW, at current prices (international dollar) 951 5,113.14% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 88 97 98 102 107 109 117 119 127 129 141 143 147 155 167 164 165 178 187 211 222 239 243 263 282 318 342 382 432 453 519 597 636 678 717 781 821 867 953 1,009 1,088 1,091 1,157 1,190 1,276 1,406 1,434 1,515 1,596 1,755 1,787 1,884 1,961 2,123 2,368 2,671 2,974 3,379 3,620 3,969 4,277
India: pwt71:PPP Converted GDP Per Capita, G-K method, at current prices (international dollar) 902 4,923.46% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 87 94 96 100 105 107 113 114 123 126 135 138 142 150 161 157 158 171 181 206 216 233 237 253 271 308 336 373 421 437 492 569 608 650 688 742 785 835 918 974 1,048 1,061 1,115 1,157 1,236 1,349 1,380 1,455 1,528 1,674 1,717 1,810 1,882 2,034 2,229 2,492 2,771 3,121 3,307 3,637 3,996
India: wdi201709:GDP per capita (constant 2015 US dollar) 551 280.61% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 303 308 310 322 339 323 317 334 338 353 363 361 351 354 350 373 371 388 401 372 388 401 406 425 432 444 455 463 497 515 533 528 545 560 586 618 653 666 695 743 758 781 797 845 898 954 1,015 1,076 1,093 1,162 1,244
India: wdi201709:GDP per capita (current US dollar) 350 1,037.28% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 82 85 90 101 116 119 90 96 100 108 112 119 123 144 163 158 161 186 206 224 267 270 274 291 277 296 310 340 354 346 368 303 317 301 346 374 400 415 413 442 443 452 471 547 628 715 807 1,028 999 1,102 1,358
Graph should be here


Dataset and exact metric name Average Growth (start to end, using linear fit on logarithm) 19400000 19410000 19420000 19430000 19440000 19450000 19460000 19470000 19480000 19490000 19500000 19510000 19520000 19530000 19540000 19550000 19560000 19570000 19580000 19590000 19600000 19610000 19620000 19630000 19640000 19650000 19660000 19670000 19680000 19690000 19700000 19710000 19720000 19730000 19740000 19750000 19760000 19770000 19780000 19790000 19800000 19810000 19820000 19830000 19840000 19850000 19860000 19870000 19880000 19890000 19900000 19910000 19920000 19930000 19940000 19950000 19960000 19970000 19980000 19990000 20000000 20010000 20020000 20030000 20040000 20050000 20060000 20070000 20080000 20090000 20100000
India: maddison2010:Population (People) 657,074,030 261.55% 386,800,000 391,700,000 396,300,000 400,900,000 405,600,000 410,400,000 415,200,000 346,000,000 350,000,000 355,000,000 359,000,000 365,000,000 372,000,000 379,000,000 386,000,000 393,000,000 401,000,000 409,000,000 418,000,000 426,000,000 434,000,000 444,000,000 454,000,000 464,000,000 474,000,000 485,000,000 495,000,000 506,000,000 518,000,000 529,000,000 541,000,000 554,000,000 567,000,000 580,000,000 593,000,000 607,000,000 620,000,000 634,000,000 648,000,000 664,000,000 679,000,000 692,000,000 708,000,000 723,000,000 739,000,000 755,000,000 771,000,000 788,000,000 805,000,000 822,000,000 839,000,000 853,724,032 869,089,984 884,942,976 901,176,000 917,772,032 934,691,968 951,860,992 969,153,024 986,476,992 1,004,124,032 1,021,966,976 1,039,691,008 1,057,504,000 1,065,070,976 1,093,563,008 1,111,714,048 1,129,865,984 1,147,996,032 1,156,898,048 --
India: pwt56:Population (People) 582,972,579 148.16% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 368,459,008 374,372,992 380,287,008 386,145,984 392,060,000 397,972,992 406,241,984 414,564,992 422,832,992 431,156,000 434,824,992 443,913,984 454,372,992 465,104,992 476,112,000 487,336,992 498,836,000 510,553,984 522,545,984 534,920,992 547,569,024 560,268,032 573,129,984 586,220,032 599,643,008 613,459,008 627,632,000 642,134,016 656,940,992 672,020,992 687,331,968 702,820,992 718,425,984 734,072,000 749,676,992 765,147,008 781,892,992 798,680,000 815,590,016 832,534,976 849,515,008 866,499,008 884,000,000 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
India: pwt80:Population (People) 736,851,379 253.44% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 369,870,080 376,172,736 382,781,056 389,680,864 396,840,096 404,256,736 411,935,648 419,889,728 428,117,920 436,616,128 445,381,280 454,413,312 463,807,488 473,601,152 484,037,024 494,950,304 506,109,632 517,572,288 529,347,520 541,444,800 553,873,920 566,651,456 579,871,104 593,526,656 607,606,592 622,096,704 636,992,576 652,279,296 667,917,440 683,857,280 700,058,560 716,493,312 733,151,744 750,033,536 767,146,816 784,490,816 802,051,776 819,800,064 837,699,648 855,707,328 873,785,472 891,910,208 910,064,576 928,226,048 946,373,312 964,486,144 982,553,280 1,000,558,144 1,018,471,168 1,036,258,688 1,053,898,112 1,071,374,272 1,088,694,016 1,105,885,696 1,122,991,232 1,140,042,880 1,157,038,592 1,173,971,584 1,190,863,616 1,207,740,416 1,224,614,272
India: pwt81:Population (People) 736,851,379 253.44% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 369,870,080 376,172,736 382,781,056 389,680,864 396,840,096 404,256,736 411,935,648 419,889,728 428,117,920 436,616,128 445,381,280 454,413,312 463,807,488 473,601,152 484,037,024 494,950,304 506,109,632 517,572,288 529,347,520 541,444,800 553,873,920 566,651,456 579,871,104 593,526,656 607,606,592 622,096,704 636,992,576 652,279,296 667,917,440 683,857,280 700,058,560 716,493,312 733,151,744 750,033,536 767,146,816 784,490,816 802,051,776 819,800,064 837,699,648 855,707,328 873,785,472 891,910,208 910,064,576 928,226,048 946,373,312 964,486,144 982,553,280 1,000,558,144 1,018,471,168 1,036,258,688 1,053,898,112 1,071,374,272 1,088,694,016 1,105,885,696 1,122,991,232 1,140,042,880 1,157,038,592 1,173,971,584 1,190,863,616 1,207,740,416 1,224,614,272
India: pwt90:Population (People) 736,487,259 253.80% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 369,916,384 376,219,872 382,828,992 389,729,664 396,889,824 404,307,360 411,987,200 419,942,304 428,171,552 436,670,816 445,437,056 454,470,208 463,865,568 473,660,448 484,097,664 495,012,288 506,173,024 517,637,088 529,413,824 541,512,640 553,943,232 566,605,376 579,800,640 593,451,904 607,446,528 621,703,616 636,182,784 650,907,584 665,936,448 681,358,528 697,229,760 713,561,408 730,303,488 747,374,848 764,664,256 782,085,120 799,607,232 817,232,256 834,944,384 852,736,128 870,601,792 888,513,856 906,461,376 924,475,648 942,604,224 960,875,008 979,290,432 997,817,280 1,016,402,880 1,034,976,640 1,053,481,088 1,071,888,192 1,090,189,312 1,108,369,536 1,126,419,328 1,144,326,272 1,162,088,320 1,179,685,632 1,197,070,080 1,214,182,144 1,230,984,448
Graph should be here