India from 19700000 to 19720000

Documentation on region.php: You need to include three parameters: region (which can typically take a value of a country, though some larger regions are also allowed), start_date (which is of the form YYYY0000), and end_date (which is of the form YYYY0000). Both start_date and end_date are inclusive. For instance, to get data for India from 1970 to 2010, use /region.php?region=India&start_date=19700000&end_date=20100000.


Dataset and exact metric name Average Growth (start to end, using linear fit on logarithm) 19700000 19710000 19720000
India: maddison2010:GDP (1990 international dollar) 472,229,325,483 0.68% 469,583,986,688 474,338,000,896 472,765,988,864
India: wdi201709:GDP (constant 2015 US dollar) 203,358,459,221 1.08% 201,528,934,400 204,839,911,424 203,706,531,840
India: wdi201709:GDP (current US dollar) 67,078,886,741 14.48% 62,422,482,944 67,350,986,752 71,463,190,528
Graph should be here

GDP per capita

Dataset and exact metric name Average Growth (start to end, using linear fit on logarithm) 19700000 19710000 19720000
India: maddison2010:GDP per capita (1990 international dollar) 853 -3.92% 868 856 834
India: maddison2013:GDP per capita (1990 international dollar) 853 -3.92% 868 856 834
India: pwt61:Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Chain series) (international dollar) 1,064 -2.33% 1,073 1,072 1,048
India: pwt61:Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Laspeyres), derived from growth rates of c, g, i (international dollar) 1,068 -2.32% 1,077 1,075 1,052
India: pwt62:Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Chain series) (international dollar) 1,166 0.17% 1,155 1,186 1,157
India: pwt62:Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Laspeyres), derived from growth rates of c, g, i (international dollar) 1,167 0.43% 1,154 1,187 1,159
India: pwt63:Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Chain series) (international dollar) 1,238 -0.45% 1,233 1,253 1,228
India: pwt63:Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Laspeyres), derived from growth rates of c, g, i (international dollar) 1,236 -0.46% 1,232 1,252 1,226
India: pwt63:Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Laspeyres), derived from growth rates of domestic absorption (international dollar) 1,226 -1.45% 1,227 1,241 1,210
India: pwt63:Real Gross Domestic Product per Capita, current price (international dollar) 329 9.68% 312 334 342
India: pwt70:PPP Converted Domestic Absorption Per Capita, average GEKS-CPDW, at current prices (international dollar) 233 9.45% 221 238 242
India: pwt70:PPP Converted GDP Per Capita, G-K method, at current prices (international dollar) 227 9.46% 215 230 235
India: pwt71:PPP Converted Domestic Absorption Per Capita, average GEKS-CPDW, at current prices (international dollar) 235 9.60% 222 239 243
India: pwt71:PPP Converted GDP Per Capita, G-K method, at current prices (international dollar) 229 9.51% 216 233 237
India: wdi201709:GDP per capita (constant 2015 US dollar) 358 -3.42% 363 361 351
India: wdi201709:GDP per capita (current US dollar) 118 9.38% 112 119 123
Graph should be here


Dataset and exact metric name Average Growth (start to end, using linear fit on logarithm) 19700000 19710000 19720000
India: maddison2010:Population (People) 554,000,000 4.81% 541,000,000 554,000,000 567,000,000
India: pwt56:Population (People) 560,322,347 4.67% 547,569,024 560,268,032 573,129,984
India: pwt80:Population (People) 566,798,827 4.69% 553,873,920 566,651,456 579,871,104
India: pwt81:Population (People) 566,798,827 4.69% 553,873,920 566,651,456 579,871,104
India: pwt90:Population (People) 566,783,083 4.67% 553,943,232 566,605,376 579,800,640
Graph should be here